I love large breasts and big nipples. I’m not sure why. As a matter of fact I’m not sure why most men find breasts so exciting. I’ve heard it suggested that men associate the breast and nipple with nursing and mother. But girl babies nurse too. No, I think it’s because tits are something women have that we don’t (reverse penis envy). Also, psychologically we know that a woman’s breasts are very much tied to her sexuality. Here’s instinct again. I may be wrong but I believe that the human female is the only creature with nipples that get hard from sexual arousal or even sexual thoughts. It doesn’t happen to a cow.
Then there’s also the ‘forbidden factor.’ Men are taught that it’s OK to be aware of her tits but not to look at them. And don’t ever touch them! You can hold her hand or her arm or even kiss her, but don’t touch her tits. It always amazed me that I could park with a girl and pull her body up close; feel our mouths open in a passionate kiss; stick my tongue in and out; feel my cock moving against her thighs. Then all I had to do was reach for a breast and that was it… “What kinda girl do you think I am?”