It was “A Happening” when more than 50,000 marchers arrived at the Lincoln Memorial suggesting “All You Need Is Love” as they moved across the Memorial Bridge to the Pentagon, where hundreds were beaten and arrested by helmeted soldiers and federal marshals. The sidewalk was splattered with blood as a Roman Catholic priest did the same to Selective Service files in Baltimore urging, “move with us from dissent to resistance.” Although Aaron Neville pleaded “Tell It Like It Is,” Vice President Humphrey assured the nation that we were “winning the war in Vietnam.” (And if we believed that, he had a bloody bridge to sell in Washington.) With thousands pleading for a change of heart, Dr. Christiaan Barnard actually pulled one off in South Africa while Allen Ginsberg was arrested with famed pediatrician Dr. Spock (not to be confused with “Star Trek’s” Mr. Spock), trying to close down an armed forces induction center in New York City (politics and strange bedfellows). And even though it was acceptable to display Che Guevara’s bullet-riddled body and heads being blown off in Vietnam on the nightly news, the nation was appalled at the graphic violence in “Bonnie & Clyde.”