America’s sexual attitudes are f*cked up!
Apparently the word ‘intercourse’ is okay but ‘fuck’ is dirty? You can stab a woman in her chest on TV as long as you don’t show her nipple?!?
Who makes these rules?
Covert Art: Censorship
Above on the left is the cover art I submitted to publish my audiobook “Sex, No Drugs & Rock’N’Roll: Memoirs of A Music Junkie” to Amazon’s subsidiary Audible. It was rejected on the grounds it “contained nudity.” This, despite the fact that the cover had already been accepted in the paperback, album and eBook formats.
The image on the right is what Audible made me do before they would publish. You don’t even see an AUDIO book God damn it! (Whoops…Can’t take the Lord’s name in vain and ’damn’ another ‘bad word.’) For those of you born in or around the new millennium, you might want to listen to the scholarly commentary of the late philosopher George Carlin on the subject of ‘bad words’:
Ridiculous Guidelines on Sex
Based on Audible’s guidelines, Picasso and Gauguin couldn’t get an Audiobook cover today without defacing it… An extension of the American morality that makes it okay to see nude bodies on the wall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but not on Jones Beach. What are we protecting our kids from? What makes a naked body dirty, but mud wrestling clean?
I don’t get it. Doesn’t nature handle things well enough without all our rules, as I comment in my book:
“It’s an ironic joke of nature (instinct, God, Giggy, whatever…) that keeps us from fucking all the time by making a man’s sexual prime age 17, when girls don’t want it, and girls’ at about 37, when men first start to learn the meaning of prostate.”
Where Did All This Censorship Come From?
Perhaps it stems from the fact that our country was born in moral contradiction, as boatloads of Puritans, fleeing religious persecution, landed on our shores with a foreign culture… at odds with the spiritual indigenous population that might have developed very differently, if not for the introduction of Adam and Eve and the poisonous apple of guilt.
What do you think?
Laura Cereta says
March 7, 2016 at 7:55 pmI think you nailed it. Our Puritan roots have a lot to do with our weird attitudes about sex. None of Europe is like this.
L.E. Kalikow says
March 8, 2016 at 9:15 amThanks… This silliness drives me crazy!