The book, “Sex, No Drugs & Rock’N’Roll (Memoirs Of A Music Junkie)” is based on the premise that our baby-boomer generation has gone through the same maturation process as the country itself. In the fifties following WWII, we ruled the world and everything was simple. As we entered our teens in the early 60’s and began to rebel so went the country. And as we became cynical in the late 60’s, assassinations, Mayor Daley, Nixon and Watergate fed our disenchantment, all reflected in our music. Then, the complacency of adulthood in the 70’s through the 90’s into creeping old age and the arterial sclerosis of today.
Andrew Dice Clay for Vice President!
Now that it looks like The Donald (Trump, not the Duck) will be the GOP candidate for President of The United States (I can’t believe I’m actually writing this), who would best complement his sensibility and temperament as his Vice Presidential running mate? Obviously another reality star to match his celebrity attitude and opinions is a no brainer (in more ways than one)… Andrew Dice Clay is the logical choice!
Since Clay’s character was bludgeoned to death in HBO’s “Vinyl” making way for his unreality cable tour-de-farce “Dice,” after years of well-deserved obscurity, with his star status back from the living dead (American’s love a comeback) the time and circumstance seems perfect for his candidacy.
The Evolution of ‘SEXY’: Revenge of The Nerds!
When I was a kid (in the dark ages before color TV) the ‘perfect couple’ was symbolized by the athletic captain of the football team chasing the virginal head cheerleader. Today apparently supplanted by the skinny debate team captain chasing the sexy high school slut, as “Revenge Of The Nerds” has become a reality.
The Hollywood Sexy Star Machine
What Happened To The Music?
To cope with internet overload, we allow algorithms to sift through and feed us bits and pieces to match our tastes or cosmetically enhanced anchormen (and anchorwomen) to spoon up headlines to the tune of tone-deaf sponsors. How does this affect the arts… and more specifically music?
Analog vs Digital Music
The LGBT ‘Closet’ door wide open
With the mention of ‘Civil Rights’ most people immediately think in racial terms. But since the 60’s another civil rights movement has been taking place as well… LGBT.
A Little History
In Part 1 of “Sex, No Drugs & Rock’N’Roll (Memoirs Of A Music Junkie),” I remember the reaction in 1966, when I invited Allen Ginsberg to speak at Indiana University, “Allen walked into the room with electric hair sticking out, except where it clung to his ruffled red flannel shirt. Holding hands with an anemic male companion, Ginsberg swished to the podium and took center stage while most homosexuals were still in the closet. The entire spectacle caught the dumbfounded ladies of the I.U. Poetry Society with no established roles of etiquette. So they sat like a school of fish with round mouths sucking wind.”
Where I Agree With the Tea Party: My Right to Die
I just finished visiting my 92 year old mother at an ‘independent living’ home in West Palm Beach, and all I could think was, I’m not doing it! I remember sitting in high school and watching the track team marathon runners circling the school grounds until they collapsed, often throwing up along the way, concluding that wasn’t a sport for me.
Life Is Like A Hockey Game